
Monday, October 1, 2012

Check Ride: Best Flight!

Happy Monday followers!
Sorry it has been so long since I've blogged, I've been a little busy-

Check Flight

Good news:  Christian had his check ride on Friday and he said it was the best flight he's had so far!
I knew it was going well, because every time I have a great day, his is horrible and vice versa.  I was subbing a 1st grade class on Friday and it was the worst class I've ever had, I thought I was going to have a nervous break down!  They were the rudest class I've ever subbed for.  I had one little boy (named Christian...) who told me to go get the principal to "straighten me out"  I was so shocked that it took me a few seconds for his statement to soak in and my (appropriate) response to form!  And that was just one of the rude comments I got that day, they also wouldn't listen worth a darn and would talk over me.  I was so happy once that day was over!
But anyway, Christian was so nervous about the check-ride but I knew he'd do great. :)
After he aced his check-ride he got to solo for the first time in primary!  I'm so very proud of my husband, he's doing so well!

Wife Points

I've been substitute teaching pretty much every day.  Last Thursday I had my best "wife day" since being married.  I subbed all day and got off around 4 and headed straight to HEB to get all the ingredients for enchilada casserole.  It came out of the oven right when Christian walked in the door from his flight.  My timing was PERFECT!  I even got 2 loads of laundry done and cleaned up the apartment before he got home.  Wife points for me!

Size Sassy?

After our long day on Friday Christian decided we'd go out on a date.  So off to kikos we went-yummy yummy!  At some point during dinner I said something making fun of Christian, I'm sure.  He responded with "hush, size sassy!".  My mouth dropped.
You see, my husband thought it was just a funny way of calling me "sassy".  I have always thought that special k commercial is a horrible advertisement, because I don't want to be a "size sassy".  Once he saw my face he tried to explain what he meant, then he ended it with "want to go look at those black boots you were telling me you want...?".  He's obviously a quick learner!  He knows what to say to make me happy :) haha

Season Changing

Cooler weather, boots, scarfs, hot chocolate- what's not to love??
I hope we actually get some colder weather this year.  Last year Corpus didn't cool off as much as usual.  It's going to be so difficult for me not to buy fall/winter decor for our apartment.  But it's not worth it in the long run to buy a bunch of decorations because I don't want to have all that extra stuff to store and move for the next few years.
I am going to buy a little Christmas tree this year though, because Christians aunt Carole bought us this pretty Christmas ornament!  I will also get us a couple of stockings, I have to have those 2 things or it wont feel like Christmas time!

Our 1st ornament 


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day Festivities

Happy Wednesday!
Here's a little update while I wait for the laundry to finish drying:
Labor day went by way too quickly! Christian and I had a lot of fun with his parents and I'm so glad they were able to make the trip down.


Saturday was a cloudy day with some sprinkles, so we decided to take a trip down to the aquarium!  I'm always up to go there, I love seeing all the turtles, otters and especially the dolphins!! I have been told that Christians mom attracts dolphins wherever she goes, and I believe it now because there were a bunch of dolphins swimming in the bay right outside of the aquarium!  I never see them swimming out there that late in the day.
Here are some pictures I took on our little aquarium adventure:

The turtle was being shy

Awesome jelly fish!
Action shot from the dolphin show

They don't even know I took this..ha
Obviously, I love dolphins.

After the aquarium we went back to my parents house and sat in the backyard for awhile and just hung out and talked, it was really relaxing. Then, the boys went into the living room and started to watch football.  So naturally, I fell asleep on the couch (oops!).  That was the pretty much the end of my day..


Sunday we were going to go to the beach, but nobody was too thrilled about the idea (I didn't want to deal with the crowds).  So we had to just wing it.  Christian went to a late breakfast with his parents while I showered and got ready for the day (wasn't planning on doing that if we went to the beach).  Then I met them back at my parents and we went to the movies and saw the campaign- it was so funny!
After, we decided to go to Port Aransas to catch a ride on the ferry to see if we'd have any more dolphin sightings.  No such luck, but it was still fun.
For dinner we went to Trout Street (also known as Pearl Street now).  Thank goodness it wasn't too hot, so we got to sit out on the deck looking over the marina while the sun went down.  It was so nice! After dinner we took a little stroll down the dock, which is where I snapped this pretty picture:


Christian had a flight so he wasn't able to see his parents before they headed back to Arlington.  So I went to breakfast with them at alcapulco. 
After they left, I went over to my grandmas for awhile.  It was so good to catch up with her and keep her company for a few hours.  Then my mom and I went around town to a bunch of antique stores looking for a desk for Christian.  I really want to find a small desk, preferably with a large drawer to file away all his papers and books so they're not scattered all over the apartment.  
Who knew Corpus had such cool antique shops?! 

Some of the fun finds

Even though I didn't find a desk, we had so much fun! Too bad we don't have any nieces or nephews, because they had a ton of really cool stuff for kiddos.

Until next time...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Federal Holiday, whoop!

Labor day weekend is finally here!  

Which means my in-laws are coming to Corpus tonight for the first time since the wedding!  So I've been cleaning and getting everything put together because it's the first time they're going to see the apartment.
Last weekend we went to Kaycees (Christians cousin) baby shower in Austin, and while we were there Christians dad asked me what I had planned for them coming down the next weekend.  Silly me, I had completely lost track of time and forgot they were coming to Corpus in five days!
So I just said the basics..."umm....we could go to the beach...?".  Which lead into this little conversation..
Dr C: Of course we're going to the beach if we go down there! And I was to go eat at 'pearl street'!
ME: What is 'pearl street'?
Dr C: You've never been to PEARL STREET?!
Me: I've never even heard of it...where is it?
Dr C: Oh we HAVE to take you! It's in Port Aransas and it's a seafood restaurant that has a deck over the water that looks into the marina, it's so cool!
Me: Ohh, do you mean Trout Street?
Dr C: That's it! Have you been??
Me: Of course, I'm the one who told Christian to take you there!

That conversation cracked me up, and thought I should share.  After that he kept calling it pearl street, but at least we both knew what he was referring to. So I will definitely take them to pearl street after the beach, and definitely taking them to kikos mexican restaurant before they leave too! :)

I'm sure I will have a lot of pictures to post of this weekend on my next post!

Dinner on the Bay

Last night Christian and I went to joes crab shack on the T-heads with my parents, it's only cool because it over looks the bay and we were there at sunset so it was really pretty.  It was the first time I had seen my parents in almost 2 weeks! Weird, considering they only live about ten minutes away from us?  Anyway, here's a couple of pictures I took that I thought you'd enjoy:

My parents are so cool.

Always looking dapper.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe labor day!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


First things first:

We both really wish we could have been there to buy her first drink for her! Hopefully we'll get to soon..

Flight Training:

Christian has his simulators, or "sims" all this week.  What is sims, you may ask?   A simulator is a replica of a cockpit with all the functioning gages and a hood that goes over the windshield so you can practice instrument flight.  From what I understand it's just getting the pilot use to all the gages and gears so they know what each does so they will know what to do once they get in the air.
It seems to be going well so far, and he isn't nearly as stressed out as he was last week before the flights.  He is still studying all day though...

Always representing his Rangers :)

School's Starting:

So Chris and Hannah both went back to College Station last weekend to move back in and get everything situated before classes start back up.  It's so weird that my little brother and sister are up in College Station now and I'm in Corpus?  It seems backwards to me.. :)
The worst part:  My brother took my little cuddle-buddy with him! I miss my little swimming puppy...

His little life jacket is awesome.
Thank goodness school is starting back up soon, I can't wait to start substituting again.  I miss all the cute little kiddos.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Of All the Walks" Frame

For my dads birthday I really wanted to get him a picture frame for a picture of him walking me down the isle at the wedding.  I found some awesome frames on etsy but they were all about $85 (plus shipping) but I didn't want to spend that much on a picture frame.  Plus, the frames I found were REALLY cute, but my dad will cherish the picture in the frame way more than the actual frame.  Then I started thinking, I could make my own!  It would be a lot cheaper, and I could make it less "girly".

Frame Inspiration

I found the frame at kohls that was PERFECT because I wanted to put a picture of me as a little girl and a picture of him walking me down the isle on my wedding day.  It was also 50% off, plus I got a $10 "kohls cash" coupon in the mail that made the frame $6.75! Then I went to hobby lobby and got "rub off" letters and a couple of scrapbook decorations that could embellish a bit.

So first thing I did was cut out all the letters I needed and arranged them the way I wanted them.  Once I got the letters to fit the way I liked, I rubbed them on.

The frame I bought needed two 5 x 7 pictures, I didn't have time to get them enlarged so I just improvised.  I tapped black construction paper (that I already had) to the back of the frame like so:

I then put double stick tape on the back of each photo and placed it on top of the black construction paper.  I actually really liked the way it turned out!

I still felt like it needed a little more, so I added a really cool sticker that I bought for our wedding scrapbook...

"Of all the walks we've taken.. This one is my favorite."

What do you think?? It's hard to tell, but the frame says "Of all the walks we've taken.. This one is my favorite."

My dad loved it!  He loved the picture of us on the beach together when I was a baby.. he just kept saying "you were so little..."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Pilot Starts Flying!


Christian has finally started flying!! His first flight was on Friday, so all day Thursday he was studying everything he had to have memorized.  My husband does not normally stress, so when he does I know it's bad.  I offered to help him study, which tested his patience with me (didn't understand that..) but in the end he said I helped a lot!  :-)

After his pre-flight stuff was over he finally got to get up in the air with his instructor, who wanted to show him all the barrel rolls and flips their little trainer plane could do.  Due to Christian being incredibly stressed about remembering everything he had memorized the night before, Christian forgot to grab a "barf-bag" on the way out to the plane.   OOPS! So he had to ask the instructor to cool it on the acrobatics... Thank goodness his instructor was nice about it, because if he would have puked, with no barf-bag, it would have had to go down his flight suit.  Do you know who cleans his flight suit?  This girl right here.  So thank you instructor!! :-)

He also flew Saturday and Sunday, which he said went well.  But he had yesterday off, which was great because I finally got some time with my husband!

I can't believe the amount of stuff they have to have memorized! It's so crazy!  They have to have so much memorized, WORD FOR WORD.  I mean, I understand they need to know how the plane works and what to do in case of emergency, but if he forgets a "the" or "a" in a sentence then the entire thing is off.  Usually if he's studying I'll try to get out of the house so he can concentrate, so I'll go to the gym, or go to my parents for a little bit.  I don't want him to feel like he has to focus on me, I want him to focus on studying.  I can be patient until he needs a study break or has a day off :-) I'm so incredibly proud of my husband and how hard he works.

And today is a big day for two of my favorite men:

  1. It's my dads birthday!  
  2. And Christian gets promoted to 1st Lieutenant! 
Christian with his promotion papers :)

Yay for both!

Well, that's all I have for now...


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Entry

Let’s start off with a brief explanation on why I’m starting a blog: 

On April 29th I married my best friend, who happens to be a marine flight officer.  Considering that he’s currently in flight school and the fact that we’ll probably be moving around a tad in the next couple of years, I thought a blog would be a good way for our family and friends to be able to “catch up” with everything going on in our lives.

 Now a little bit about me:

I got my bachelors degree from Texas A&M University in health sciences with the intent to get my BSN.  Well, while I planned for our wedding (in 8 weeks) I decided to substitute teach so I could make a little money but have the ability to choose when I worked.  It was a HUGE surprise to me when I ended up LOVING teaching!  So I have changed my career choice to elementary school education!  With my husbands schedule my only option is an online certification program, and the one we’re looking at doesn’t start until June (ugh!).  So until then I will continue to substitute teach, which is still fun!